Sunday, 15 February 2009

A must book read for avoiding future mistakes

I read Dan Hind's article Jump! You Fucker !

A must read for all who really want to know the truth about the financial and economic crisis. His book 'the Threat to Reason' should also be read by everyone wishing for a brighter future and avoiding the problems that institutions and governments create. Indeed other than look after us, they destroy the very fabric of society in the long-term through shortism and speculative short-term fixes for the very few, not the masses.

If you liked this 'short' blog, visit the World Innovation Blog for more informed articles on what is really going on and what our governments, institutions and corporations are together doing behind closed doors for their masters, the 1% of the world's population, who according to Credit Suisse 'Global Wealth Report' 2014, own 50% of all the world's wealth and where 86% of the world's population own a mere 10% of the world's total wealth  -

1 comment:

  1. But to save the world we have to know the problem first with humanity's sustainability and why on our present path the human experience will be unrecognisable in human terms by the end of this present century -
